October 20, 2018

6 Signs You Need a Tree Removal Service in Dallas Fort Worth Area

Trees are quite a sight for sore eyes. They provide so much beauty to our lives as they grow bigger and bigger but there is a thing about them which is the case with any living thing. As they grow older and older, they also become weaker. Considering that and the fact that they are exposed to very harsh environmental challenges, they can find their health waning quite badly. When a tree comes close to the end of its life, they can become too weak. Because of their huge size, they are also at a risk of falling or breaking apart. That can pose a serious risk to you and your loved ones.

The thing is, it is not really that easy to tell when a tree’s time is about to be up if you do not have the trained professional eye like we do at S&P Tree Services. There are certain telling signs that you need a tree removal service in Dallas Forth Worth Area. We have put them together for your guidance so that you can call in the experts to further investigate the situation and make the best decision.

Let’s get to it, shall we?

1.   Dead Tree

Of course the first and the most obvious sign you might need a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area to come in and remove the tree is that it is dead. Check the tree properly if it has not been blooming for a while now. Do you see any signs of decay? You see, this is something you need to take an action for as fast as you can. The longer you let a dead tree linger around in your yard, the more the chances are of it falling down. When that happens, it can be very dangerous for you and your loved ones.

2.   Leaning Tree

There are certain kinds of trees that lean naturally. One of the signs that you need a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area is if the tree is leaning after a storm has gone its course in the area. A tree which is leaning because of external factors might look beautiful but it is very dangerous. It takes a lot of force to move a tree and if the storm has managed to make the tree start leaning, you can be assured that it is at a risk of falling at any time. When you call in a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area, their arborist will come in to make sure that it doesn’t pose any harm to you or your family. If it does indeed pose a threat, they will remove it for you.

3.   Damaged Tree

Trees are some of the most resilient things in the world. They are quite sturdy and can even bear exposure to storms. Trees can take a lot but the thing is that even the most resilient things can only take so much. If you notice that your tree has been damaged quite a lot after a storm, you might need to call in a professional tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area. They will come in and inspect the extent of the damage. If it is indeed damaged beyond repair and has become a risk to your safety, they will remove it. Otherwise they will help the tree recover. There is no reason why you should keep a severely damaged tree in your yard because of the risk it poses.

4.   Sick Tree

Another reason you might need to call in a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area is if the tree is sick. Yes, even trees can get sick just like any other living thing, folks. For the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to tell if the tree is sick. A tree can actually look completely normal on the outside even when it is heavily damaged on the inside. There are also instances where a sick looking tree actually looks beautiful from the outside. While you might be feeling tempted to overlook the matter because there is no immediate danger from a sick tree, we urge you to take it more seriously. Call in a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area to come in and look at the tree. It is only for your own safety and convenience. Tree diseases can get very bad over time and they can be passed on to other trees that are healthy. The problem of having one sick tree and ignoring it could eventually become a lot bigger if you ignore it.

5.   Vertical Cracks on the Tree

Have you ever noticed any cracks on your tree? If you see any cracks between two opposite branches on a tree, you need to call in a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth Area. A tree that has cracks between two opposite branches poses a significant threat if a thunderstorm every approaches. It will be hard for such a tree to bear the forces of the strong winds and it can break apart. As a safety measure, you should have the trees with vertical cracks between two branches removed.

6.   Root Decay

One of the most prominent signs for noticing that your tree is facing the problem of root decays is that it starts leaning unnaturally. Another sign that will tell you if the roots are decaying is if there are decaying branches on your tree. In either of these two cases, it is imperative that you call in a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area. It is simply too dangerous to have a tree like that around in your yard because the roots are the main reason why the tree is standing. If the decay is too much, the tree can see itself fall down at any time.

Calling in the Cavalry

If you want any more information about when to call in a tree removal service in Dallas Fort Worth area or if you feel like you should call them in, we are your people. At S&P Tree Services, we pride ourselves for our ability to provide some of the safest and most efficient tree services in the area. Feel free to contact us through our website at http://sptreeservice.com.